Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Packing Up and Moving Out

My parents drove from Kentucky to Raleigh last Wednesday to help us pack and then take back some furniture to their house.  On Thursday, we hit the ground running packing boxes and moving stuff to our storage unit. When we started this process, I thought we just had some stuff to put in boxes and move the couches, bed, and table.  What felt like 1000 boxes later and MANY trips to the storage unit, we were making progress. We have way more stuff than I realized.  We worked all day Thursday and Friday. My parents headed out early Saturday morning with a bed in my dad's truck and the 4runner full of a dresser and quilts. They were a huge blessing through this moving process!

On a side note...the 4runner over heated about 25 miles from my parents house and had to be loaded on a trailer to make it home. Sorry Mom and Dad!

On Saturday, we met the newest addition to the Hall family.  David's brother Will and his wife Angela gave birth to baby Hudson about a month ago.  This was the first time we were able to see them.  He is adorable and looks like his older brother Cooper!

Took a break on my birthday to eat lunch with friends at my favorite restaurant Lucky 32.  It's AWESOME!! So thankful for great friends!

We finally finished loading the storage unit Monday and it's full! We said goodbye to the house and headed to Greensboro to spend the night.


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