Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Finding A New Comfort

Before David and I begin this new adventure on the road, I want to give a HUGE shout out and thanks to our friends in Raleigh-Durham.  While I am excited to start this new chapter, I am sad to be leaving so many remarkable people.  You have helped me become a better wife, friend, coworker and follower of Jesus.  You have shown me so much love, encouragement, generosity, hospitality, kindness, and even how to be a good parent.  You have been an enormous blessing in my life.

I am so thankful to be a part of this community of believers in Raleigh.  I feel like we have seen a bit of heaven on Earth in RDU as we have lived life with you.  I also want to thank the Summit Church for following Christ and pushing me do the same.  I greatly appreciate how the church is always pointing to Jesus and his love and grace.  

Life in Raleigh has been fun, entertaining, exciting, and comfortable.  When I think about how much life is getting ready to change, I am reminded that life is about to get really uncomfortable and unknown.  Because of this, I’ve begun to find comfort that Jesus is holding my future and he is holding me through this journey.  Jesus knows what is ahead, so all I have to do is follow.   

Raleigh-Durham it's been awesome!!! See ya soon!!

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