Friday, February 28, 2014

On the Road

We hit the road bright and early Tuesday morning at 6AM. David wanted to make the drive in one day.  I was a little skeptical, but trying to be an encouraging wife said sure we can try. We did not have any traffic issues except for Concord Mills outside of Charlotte, but even then it was not too bad.

We made our first stop at Chick-fil-A for breakfast. As we made our way into Atlanta, we noticed police cars everywhere. Every few exits had cop cars just waiting for people to pull over. We saw at least 6 police cars on the side of the highway set up for a speed trap. Needless to say, David slowed down through Atlanta.  We quickly made our way through South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi.

I enjoyed crossing the Mississippi River.  Kinda cool to see.

We looked for the cast of Duck Dynasty as we passed through Monroe, Louisiana. No luck!  When we finally made it to the Texas boarder, it was quite a relief. We were getting so close and sleepy.  An hour from our hotel it started to down pour.  David drove like a champ through the rain and being so tired (he drove most of the trip).  Pulled into the hotel at 10pm central time. A total of 17 hours on the road.

We were staying at a hotel until we could move into our apartment.  We both slept 10 hours that night...we were tired! The trip was long and tiring, but I'm so glad we did it in one day.

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