Monday, March 3, 2014

First Impressions

We are living and working in Plano, TX which is north of Dallas. Plano itself has basically the same population as Lexington, KY, around 300,000 people. First things we noticed in Plano are the HUGE houses and lots of shopping centers with places to eat.  Every neighborhood close to us looks like the Brier Creek Country Club.  Our drive from the hotel to the mall where David is working goes like this... Big house, huge house, shopping center, lama and cow farm, gigantic house, massive house, shopping center, mall.  When they say things are bigger in Texas, I am really starting to believe that is true. Roads, overpasses, houses, malls, everything.

David is working at The Shops at Willow Bend. We have discovered it is an upscale mall with lots of nice places to shop.  This would be awesome for me except anything I buy must be packed up and moved in a few months.  Guess I will just be doing a lot of looking.

The worst parts so far are the roads and traffic. I am so scared to be a passenger in the car, much less the driver.  We were driving the tollway at 70 miles an hour and traffic is just whipping around like its nothing. David loves the fast pace but I'm terrified. The main road we will be traveling from the apartment to the mall is 3 lanes for each direction. More than I'm use to but I'm learning!

Side Note ... Arctic front came in yesterday.  The weather consisted of freezing rain, sleet, hail, and thunder.  Craziness! We woke up this morning to icy roads.  It is now 16 degrees outside so I'm stuck inside for the day. Gives me time to blog I guess :-)

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