Tuesday, February 5, 2019

We are Moving

I snagged this picture from a Lysa Terkeurst  Instagram post but I think it best shows how I am feeling at the moment. There is beauty and excitement with pain and sadness.  David has been selected to relocate to Fayette Mall Chick-fil-A in Lexington, KY.  I am thrilled to be moving back to Kentucky, to a city that I love, and closer to family.  This move will be a great opportunity for David in his operator journey.

However, the thought of saying goodbye to our friends in the Quad Cities leaves me in tears.  YOU ALL are making this move very difficult.

After living on the road for two years where it got lonely and friends were scarce, we knew when we settled in Moline we wanted to get connected with new friends and community.  FYI - we were not created to do life alone! The Quad Cities was never a place I imaged living but God has extremely blessed our time here and given us the friendships we desired.  I see His hand in the house we lived in and in our neighbors, in our jobs, in our church and in extracurricular activities.  These past few years have not always been easy so THANK YOU for walking along side us and praying for us.  I can't even get though this post without tearing up.  We will miss you all dearly!

We are so grateful for our time in Moline, and grateful for the new opportunity in Lexington and the adventure ahead! GO CATS!!!

David is warming up to becoming a UK fan 😃

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