Saturday, March 26, 2016

The Day after Jesus's Crucifixion

Can you imagine living over 2000 years ago and seeing Jesus crucified on the cross?  All his friends, family and disciples thought he was the savior of the world.  Now he is dead.  For those early Christians the day after the crucifixion must have been awful.  I'm sure they were sad.  Hurt.  Disappointed.  Confused.  Wondering why it happened.  Wondering what was going to happen next.  Questioning God.

Have you ever been there? I have.  Sometimes life is hard and disappoints come.  Sometimes our plans in life do not turn out like we thought they would.  Just like those disciples did not see or understand the whole story, we do not always get to see or understand our whole story either.  But there IS HOPE! The disciples did not know the resurrection was coming but God knew.  He knew all along.  The grave was not going to hold Jesus down.  The death of Jesus on the cross was not the end of the story.  These difficult times in our lives are not the end of the story for us either.  

I'm not going to lie... some days it is hard for me to cling to that hope when all you want is a problem fixed or pain to go away.  But I'm learning we have to hold firm to Jesus.  Look to the cross.  Yes it was heartbreaking for his friends and family to see Jesus die.  It was disappointing and confusing.  So is life! But the resurrection is coming.  Joy is coming.  Sunday is coming.  It may not come tomorrow for us or next week or next year.  We may not see the good in our pain right now but God can see it.   God loves us and he has a perfect and good plan for our lives.  

So when life gets hard and confusing, always remember Jesus's tomb is empty!  He is seated on his throne!  The story of Jesus does not end at the cross in despair!  Sunday is coming! 

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