On January 2nd David and I said goodbye to the team at the Tulsa Promenade Mall and sayonara to the Interim Manager Program. On January 3rd we packed up and headed to Moline, IL... our soon-to-be new home! We had two days to find a place to live before we headed to North Carolina with a quick stop in Kentucky on the way. Thankfully we found a cute little house to rent just 5 minutes from David's restaurant. We signed the lease and hit the road again.
After a few days in North Carolina spending time with David's family and friends in RDU, we boarded a plane to St. Croix. We spent three wonderful days just laying on the beach. It had been over 2 years since we were able to get away, and we enjoyed every minute listening to the waves and eating good food. We left feeling rejuvenated and realized this vacation thing needed to happen every January. Any friends or family are welcome to join next year.

Once we returned from vacation, we had just a few more days in Raleigh before we packed up the moving truck for Moline. Wednesday January 20th, we loaded up the truck from the storage unit and then drove to Greensboro where we picked up more stuff from David's dad's house. Thursday we made the long drive to my parent's house in Kentucky where again we had more stuff to pick up. (Thanks to our parents for allowing us to store some things over the past 2 years!) About a foot of snow and ice was predicted for Friday morning at my parent's in Franklin so at 7pm Thursday night we decided we needed to leave town now to get out of the way of the storm. We drove almost to St. Louis where we stopped for the night. It was definitely a good decision as Franklin was hit with 12 inches of snow on Friday. We finished the drive to Moline Friday morning and then proceeded to unload the truck that evening. We were all so thankful to make it to Moline without any trouble and no snow to slow us down. Let me just say it felt so good to have our stuff out of storage and all in one place again! And nothing was broken or destroyed after 2 years in a non-climate controlled storage unit! YAY!
We had one week to unpack before David left for training in Atlanta and I drove to Kentucky. I spent a little time in Lexington catching up with friends and checking out all the changes at the University of Kentucky. My old dorm is torn down :-( So much has changed in six years.

David spent two weeks in Atlanta, then three days in Houston, TX for operator coaching, and then both traveled to Orlando for Chick-fil-A Seminar. I couldn't come to Orlando and not go to Disney, so we spent Saturday walking around Magic Kingdom, Epcot, and Hollywood Studios. I loved every minute!
After Disney we spent the next four days with Chick-fil-A operators and corporate staff. We heard inspiring speakers on leadership, the future of Chick-fil-A and lots of other interesting topics. Lysa Terkeurst was one of the speakers and I loved hearing her talk! She is one of my favorite authors! (Maybe next year I will meet her) The amazing Need To Breathe performance was quite a surprise! We tasted some of the new products coming out this year...they are going to awesome!! Y'all just wait!! Some are coming next week!! What made this trip even more spectacular was my birthday on the 23rd. That night we sat front row at the Blue Man Group show and ate dinner at Universal City Walk. It was a wonderful way to spend my birthday!

We arrived back in Moline on February 24th and started preparing for our next big adventure...operator and operator spouse. On March 1st David took over as the Owner/Operator at Chick-fil-A at SouthPark Mall. Here is the only picture I got that day so hopefully we can look back in 50 or so years at his career with Chick-fil-A and rememberer where it all started. We are so humbled and blessed to be here and excited to support and love the community in Moline.
So after living out of a car for 2 years and living out of a suitcase for 2 month, we are done traveling....kinda. I'll be going home again soon to meet my friend Sarah's little one, Anderson and my niece Aubrey when she finally graces us with her presence.