Sunday, March 8, 2015

Birthday Weekend Celebration

Half marathon, Disney, warm weather, and best friends... I can't think of a better way to celebrate by 30th birthday.  I ran this half marathon two years ago with my friends Amy, Brittany, and Sarah and finished in about 3 hours.  I had been training for this run since November but did not feel as prepared this years.  Sarah and I decided we would stop and take pictures with the Disney Princes along the way, so we were not concerned about how long it would take. 
Sarah and I had to catch the bus to Epcot where the race started at so early! Good thing this was so exciting because not much get me out of bed at 3AM.  The race officially started at 5:30 with the first corral.  We were in corral K so I think we started running somewhere around 6AM.  The race starts at Epcot and you run to Magic Kingdom, through Cinderella's Castle, and back to Epcot around the big ball to the finish line.  Here are some pictures we took along the way.  The starting line...entering Magic Kingdom...the sunrise over tomorrowland...the castle...and back to Epcot.  As you can see, the race draws a big crowd.  I think there were over 25,000 people running!  

When we saw the line for the princes was 50 people deep, we decided just to keep running. Ain't got time for that.  We crossed the finish line in 2 and 1/2 hours.  Sarah is the only reason I could finish that fast! She kept our pace and somehow managed to keep up!  I was stunned when I realized it! A new personal record for me! 

We arrived back at the hotel around 10AM.  By that time I had taken over 30,000 steps for the day! I wanted to drive over to the Animal Kingdom Lodge to see the animals on the property, and we decided to eat there.  After lunch we made our way back to our hotel and relaxed by the pool for several hours.  It was so warm and just awesome! For dinner we rode the bus to Downtown Disney to eat at Wolfgang Puck's restaurant.  While there, I met up with a good friend and fellow pharmacist Amanda from Raleigh! 

After an awesome weekend at Disney, we drove back to St. Petersburg Monday for another relaxing day.  Sarah, Brittany, baby Charlie, and I were soaking up some more sunshine on the roof of my apartment building.  

Overall, it was an exciting, relaxing, and amazing weekend.  I love reuniting with these ladies and only wish Amy could have joined us!  I'm already looking forward to next year ladies!!!!

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