Thursday, December 18, 2014

Month 10 - Chick-fil-A Food Truck

We are into month ten on the road, and we are still in St. Petersburg, Fl at Tyrone Square Mall.  (Side Note: This short-sleeve wearing, beach going, sunshine warming winter is AWESOME!!) The team and David survived Black Friday and all that craziness.  The restaurant is continuing to stay busy as Christmas is getting closer.  Chicken sandwiches are flying out the shoots.

The Chick-fil-A food truck was in the Tampa area December 4-6th. David and I helped out Thursday at the Lakeland Holiday Parade and Friday at the Tampa Christmas Tree Lighting Event.

This truck can produce 700 sandwiches in one hour! David was one of the lucky ones that worked inside breading chicken for the parade.  My job for the day was cow handler, and it turned out to be one of the best jobs... besides maybe being the cow.  There were 12 people working inside the truck to make the sandwiches, 2 people bagging them up in the black heated carriers, and 4 people passing out the sandwiches to the crowd.  Chick-fil-A GAVE AWAY 4200 sandwiches to people in the parade and the people watching.

This pirate ship was the awesome Chick-fil-A float.  It has a bathroom inside...kinda random but cool.  I was schedule to work with the Cow handing out sandwiches, but my roll changed to help with the Cows on the float.  I was so really excited! There were a total of 7 Cows on the float and lots of local CFA operators, team members, and families on board.

This parade is a HUGE event in Lakeland.  They estimated about 50,000 people were there.  Our float was rocking out Christmas music and everyone loved it.  But honestly who doesn't love the Cows!  We had one baby cow walking next to the float and shaking hands with the fans.  The CFA float won the top prize of Judge's Choice.  Which is pretty awesome considering there were over 120 floats! I'm standing to the left of the middle cow.  There's nothing like dancing to Christmas music with a cow bell in hand!  It was so much fun!!!

On Friday night, David and I served at the Tampa Christmas Tree Lighting.  Again David was rockin' it inside the food truck, and I was helping distribute the sandwiches and walking around with the Cows. It's a pretty awesome experience to pass out free hot Chick-fil-A sandwiches.  People love you.   I got several responses like "Chick-fil-A is awesome," "God bless you," and a "This just made my night."  Chick-fil-A is wonderful! They gave away over 3000 sandwiches at this event!  I really LOVE this company!   

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