Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Assignment #3

We have made it to assignment #3 in McDonough, GA!  This Chick-fil-A is located inside of Kroger at McDonough Crossing. The store is open from 6:30am to 9pm, so this assignment is my first experience serving breakfast.  We were spoiled at the first two assignments because the stores did not open until 10am.  David is getting up a little earlier now.  Chick-n-minis are my favorite item on the menu, so I am loving this breakfast menu!!! David is excited because one of his friends from the interim manager training class is also working at this location.  They are working hard but also having some fun!

We were told in the beginning that we would probably only be here for a month.  Therefore, the only option for housing was a hotel.  I have never stayed in a hotel for more than a week, so this should be fun! It hasn’t been terrible, but I think I might be a little high maintenance.  Some positive things are I don’t have to wash sheets and towels, there is an indoor pool, and there is a nice gym.  The negatives are we always get water on the floor when we shower and we do not have a kitchen so dinner is always out. 

While in Atlanta, we are looking forward to watching the Braves play, going to the Georgia Aquarium, and seeing the Chick-fil-A corporate office again.   Should be a fun fast month!

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