Sunday, July 27, 2014

Updates from the Last Month

It's been quite a while since an update, so here are some of the fun things we have been up to for the past month.

Because we are so close to Greensboro, we have been able to spend some time with David's family.  This is our sweet nephew, Hudson, who fell asleep while I was holding him.  We also celebrated Grandpa Hall's 93rd birthday at the end of June.   

Living downtown Charlotte definitely has its benefits.  We decided to go to a Charlotte Knight's baseball last minute one night against the Louisville Bats.  We bought random tickets on Stubhub, and they were perfect! It started raining about half way through the game, and there was only one section and about five rows of covered seats.  We were SO thankful for dry seats, AND that it did stop raining because we had walked to the game!!

The next night, we celebrated Father's Day with David's dad and his wife at another Knight's game.  I thought it was an exciting game!  The Knights were winning 12 to 1 at the beginning of the fifth inning and finished strong at the end 12 to 4.  

At the end of June, I went back to my old job at Quality Drugs to work for 2 days.  My friend Amanda took my job when I left, and it was awesome to work with her for the first time.  I have truly missed working in a pharmacy and the folks at Quality Drugs.       

After working at the pharmacy, David met me Raleigh, and we spent the weekend visiting with friends.  Saturday, we visited David's old coworkers at Chick-fil-A in Durham.  Sunday was spent relaxing at the lake with the Kuells!  The lake with friends may be my favorite pastime! 

David and I had a wonderful time Fourth of July weekend at Lake Norman with the Curry Family.  It was so relaxing just to lay around in the water, eat and repeat.  The lake, delicious food, and good company... A Sunday afternoon doesn't get much better!

We enjoyed spending time with David's three college roommates and their spouses one weekend in July. There was so much food, I think I gained about 10 pounds over 3 days.  There was also a lot of corn hole and some adult beverages.

We have big changes happening in the next few weeks as we transfer to a new location, so there will be plenty of new updates in the near future! 

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