Sunday, March 30, 2014


I had the GREAT pleasure last Saturday of celebrating my college roommate's engagement and her birthday.  It's hard to believe, but Taryn and I met almost 10 years ago when I was a sophomore in college.  She was assigned as my new roommate when I current roommate moved to a new dorm as a RA. We were only roommates for a semester, but it was an awesome time in Keeneland Hall! We went through sorority recruitment together, and I'm pretty sure we logged into Facebook for the first time that year. Taryn was surprised Friday night by her fiancé with an engagement ring, and her mom surprised her Saturday on her birthday with a party. I was so excited to celebrate with her and her friends! I love that we were in Dallas during this special time in her life!

On Tuesday, David and I had dinner with some other Chick-fil-A interim managers and their spouses in the Dallas area. We ate and enjoyed some good Mexican food at Frankie's. It was all Chick-fil-A talk and stories, but it was fun!

And I still have a job at Chick-fil-A making salads and wraps!  Things are going pretty good! We had our first bus on Friday of about 50 fifth and sixth grade students.  It was very slow at my salad station, but the front counter and nugget and fry cooks were super busy!

It is a beautiful Sunday today!  I'm sitting by the pool soaking up the sun.  The pool is dirty and filled with leaves but summer is on the way.  I am SO excited! 


Friday, March 14, 2014

Can't Stay Gone

David, Josh, Daryl and Zach
David and I flew to Charlotte for the weekend for his college roommate's wedding.  We had a great time hanging out with his old roommates and their spouses and celebrating with Josh and Hannah as they started a new life as a married couple.  David had to be in Atlanta Sunday through Wednesday for more training, so instead of me going back to Dallas by myself, I hitched a ride back to Durham after the wedding.  We arrived in Durham at 2:30AM.  However with the time change that night it was 3:30AM. Honestly had not seen that time of day in a LONG time.

I spent my time hanging out with friends and relaxing.  It's kinda weird not having a job and set schedule of things to do.  But I learned about painting with water colors, how to wear my new cowgirl boots, cooking sweet potatoes, BBQ chicken, and asparagus, preschool drop off...lots of good stuff.  I also had one more sweet time in my small groups on Monday and Tuesday nights.  I really just want to pack everyone up with me as we travel.  Raleigh-Durham will always hold a special place in heart, and I was so glad to spend some more time with friends there.

David enjoyed his time in Atlanta as well.  He met some of the other interim mangers in the programs.  Lots of other men and women (about 60) traveling and operating Chick-fil-A stores all across the United States.

Oh the woes of flying...Our flight was scheduled to leave at 7AM Friday morning out of Dallas Love Field Airport to Charlotte, but at 4AM Delta calls to inform us the flight has been rescheduled for 12:30PM.  Well that was not going to work for getting to the rehearsal at 5 that evening.  So, David got out of bed, worked his magic, and booked us a new flight at 7AM out of Dallas-Fort Worth Airport.  Only problem was our return flights were to Dallas Love Field and our car was now going to be at Dallas-Fort Worth.  David did manage to change my flight without a charge but his flight was going to be too difficult to change because it was booked through Chick-fil-A.  So after I landed at DFW, I drove to the other airport and picked up David, and we battled the rush hour traffic on our way home. (Side note - my phone had about 20% battery life left when I landed and I still needed directions to the airport and enough battery to talk to David so I could find him when he landed.  It made for an interesting drive to Dallas Love Field because after 20% I don't really know when my phone is going to die. So thankful for road signs!)  When we made it back to the apartment, we both were exhausted and so glad to be back "home" again.

Some more exciting news before our traveling began...I started working at Chick-fil-A.  My first day of training was Thursday before we left.  I learned how to make all the salads and the cool wrap.  Let's just say, the first wrap was not a success. They must be wrapped TIGHT otherwise the chicken falls out!! I got to wear a hair net. Always exciting!  To make this training even better is the fact that I had no Chick-fil-A attire, so I had to wear David's Chick-fil-A polo which was a little too big.  I also had to tuck it in my pants which I am not accustom to doing.  It was all so weird to me.  It's good now because my new uniform showed up yesterday.

To be very honest, I am more nervous about working at Chick-fil-A than I was starting at Quality Drugs. I knew and understood medicine and how a pharmacy operates on my first day.  Chick-fil-A...not so much.  Getting ready for day number 2 at the store and learning the cash register.  Should be fun!!!

Monday, March 3, 2014

First Impressions

We are living and working in Plano, TX which is north of Dallas. Plano itself has basically the same population as Lexington, KY, around 300,000 people. First things we noticed in Plano are the HUGE houses and lots of shopping centers with places to eat.  Every neighborhood close to us looks like the Brier Creek Country Club.  Our drive from the hotel to the mall where David is working goes like this... Big house, huge house, shopping center, lama and cow farm, gigantic house, massive house, shopping center, mall.  When they say things are bigger in Texas, I am really starting to believe that is true. Roads, overpasses, houses, malls, everything.

David is working at The Shops at Willow Bend. We have discovered it is an upscale mall with lots of nice places to shop.  This would be awesome for me except anything I buy must be packed up and moved in a few months.  Guess I will just be doing a lot of looking.

The worst parts so far are the roads and traffic. I am so scared to be a passenger in the car, much less the driver.  We were driving the tollway at 70 miles an hour and traffic is just whipping around like its nothing. David loves the fast pace but I'm terrified. The main road we will be traveling from the apartment to the mall is 3 lanes for each direction. More than I'm use to but I'm learning!

Side Note ... Arctic front came in yesterday.  The weather consisted of freezing rain, sleet, hail, and thunder.  Craziness! We woke up this morning to icy roads.  It is now 16 degrees outside so I'm stuck inside for the day. Gives me time to blog I guess :-)