Saturday, April 26, 2014

New Fun Updates from Dallas

I have recently been reading through Ephesians and Galatians and writing down all the characteristics of God I see in the scriptures.  Things like giver of blessings, father, wisdom, lavishes grace, great might, brings peace, breaks down walls.  I've then been praying these qualities back to God and try to give him the worship he deserves. First, it has enriched my quiet time by changing my focus on me, me, me to diving into who God is and why He is so worthy of worship. Second, the other day at church we were singing How Great is Our God.  When I sang that song in the past I always thought about God being great because of everything he has done for me.  Dying on the cross, giving me an awesome husband, family, and friends, a good job just to name a few things.  However, when we sang that song at church, I imaged my list of all the attributes of God that I had written down.  It was a totally different worship, and it was awesome! I have heard my whole life that God is the creator of all things, love, generous, forgiving but these qualities are now becoming real in my head and my heart.

Other funs things in Dallas...

We went to two Texas Rangers baseball games.  During the first game, we sat through a small rain shower, but we quickly dried up when the sun came out.  The Rangers won, and it turned out to be a beautiful Sunday afternoon.  Mercy Me had a great concert after the game.  It was an awesome surprise! 

We went with other Chick-fil-A Interim Mangers (IMs) and their wives to the second game.  We enjoyed a nice suite and some free food!  To be honest, I did not see much of the game, but loved spending time with new friends around the chips and queso.  

Easter Sunday we went to a nice park in what people call the "Beverly Hills" of Dallas.  We joined another IM, his wife and their two children for lunch and some frisbee tossing.  It was a beautiful afternoon, and the view was awesome.  The house across the street was worth about 5.4 million dollars and has 6 bedrooms and 7 bathrooms (according to Zillow) just an example of the houses in that neighborhood.  We saw several cars drive by that were over $100,000.  Definitely a very nice part of town!  Such a great relaxing day!

Saturday, April 12, 2014

New Adventures in Dallas

To say I was excited about going to the NCAA Men's National Championship Game would be a HUGE understatement.  I was smiling from ear to ear the minute I saw the stadium.  I honestly never thought I would attend the championship game because of the cost of travel and tickets, and then a dream opportunity became available.  The game was being played in Dallas and Kentucky had made it to the final dance.  David and I decided to buy tickets Saturday night after Kentucky won against Wisconsin in the final four.  

We walked up to the AT&T stadium Monday afternoon, and it felt like a dream!  My jaw dropped once inside.  I've heard people talk about the big screen above the field, but it really is something to see.  The size of the stadium, all the seats, how high it goes, the was AWESOME!  Walking around, I noticed everyone was wearing Kentucky gear! I seriously think about 75% of the fans were cheering for Kentucky.  It was magnificent! Almost like being in Rupp Arena again...just a  bigger stadium.

So... I didn't think Kentucky would make it far in the tournament, but once inside I just knew they would win.  After all, I was at the CHAMPIONSHIP GAME! They had already beaten Wichita State, Louisville, Michigan, and Wisconsin. They had to win! Well...they did not, but we had a great time anyway! Our seats were great because they had blacked out the rest of the row and section next to us.  If you can tell from the picture any view from seats to the left of us would be blocked by the lifted risers along the sideline.  While it would have been 1000 times better with a win, I'm so thankful for the chance to be at the game! GO CATS!

On Wednesday, I went with a friend and her two children to the Dallas Zoo.  Her husband is also an interim manager with Chick-fil-A in the Dallas area.  I love the zoo and had so much fun hanging out with Megan and her kids.  The weather was awesome which was a huge plus!  It was the closest I had ever been to a giraffe, and they were largest tortoises I had ever seen! Elephants are always my favorite! So fun!